Sunday, March 30, 2025

Church Theme for 2025: ‘Trust and Obey!

Sunday School Classes for ALL Ages: 9:00 am
Children’s Church Hours – 9:00am-9:45am – then Sanctuary for Worship – then after Offering
Praise and Worship with Lance Read and the Praise Team @ 10:00am
A Sermon Series through the Book of Genesis!
Sermon Message: Reap What You Sow!” @10:00am by Pastor Robert Burkett
Come, Visit Us This Sunday
5th Sunday Fellowship at 11:25am – NO Evening Services

Wednesday Evenings @ 6:30 pm – LIVE Streaming on YouTube (Adult Bible Study)
View our Sunday Morning Services LIVE  (10:00 am), or you can view our archived services!

LIVE Streaming Link:  GFC YouTube Video Live-Streaming Page


At Grace Fellowship, we strive for excellence in all that we do.

We desire to be…

  • a church where integrity, honesty, and caring are of the utmost importance.
  • a church that exalts the Lord by exalting His Word…the Bible.
  • a church that never separates the need to both share God’s love and hope while teaching individual members how to continue in a victorious life through Jesus Christ.

We see ourselves as a non-traditional church where everyone will feel welcome and where today’s Christians can express their faith. A church with an easy-going atmosphere, casual to semi-dress, meaning come as you are. Our praise team brings a blend of contemporary praise and worship, classic choruses, and hymns that create an atmosphere where people can connect with God, singing praises and entering into His presence to worship Him.

Our doctrine is sound, Christian, and solid–and we would be glad to sit down and show you what we believe. Because we are non-denominational, we have a saying at Grace about our Biblical views:

On the essentials of Christianity we are in unity, on the non-essentials we have liberty.

This is why Christians from many different backgrounds can love and serve one another at Grace Fellowship Church.

If you would like to learn more about us, browse this site or give us a call. If you feel led to be a part of our family, visit us, we are always happy to see new faces. We would love to have you as a part of our family!

May God Bless You…   Pastor Robert

CLICK for the March 2025 Calendar of Events: